It is important to note that there is "some crying involved."

As one of the team's animators, Wright has penned an extensive entry on MANE6's official site detailing how this is done.

It is an extremely complex, often heartbreaking journey as the vector-based, soft-edged images from Flash are made ready for the pixel-based, hard-edged world of 2D Fighter Maker 2002. This final step is the long, difficult road each character must travel to make it into the game. Plus, since a pony's legs and torso are the same color, certain attacks just looked like a mess of color. As Wright explained, since ponies lack the T-shaped torso and shoulders of a human, they cannot attack with the sweeps and rotations that make punches look painful. Early on in this process, the team discovered that animating attacks that felt powerful with a pony's physiology was going to be tricky. All moves have received the MANE6 seal of approval and are drawn up one by one in Flash. This step is where the rubber hits the road.